“At the root of health imbalances is lack of movement with charged particles. If you can supply energy to the body that moves these charged particles, such as from humic and fulvic acids, you can make great progress with detoxification and health — and that’s why at CellCore Biosciences we see the incredible results we do.”

— Tim Griswold, Lead Scientist -Cellcore Biosciences

What makes Cellcore Unique…


All of Cellcore’s supplements are formulated and produced by our team of scientists at the CellCore Biosciences lab. Carbon Technology is a key component in our supplements to help protect the integrity of ingredients and drive them to where they need to go in the body, while adding natural detox support.

To learn more Click the Button Below

Charged particles, including electrons, hydrogen ions (protons), and oxygen, are the underlying drivers of all cellular and system processes. While co-factors from foods (such as vitamins) support mitochondrial function, charged particles are the true backbone of the mitochondria. They carry the electric charges that create reactions for mitochondria to “turn on” and function, which is the basis of life.


The Roadmap to health shown below is the foundation of the Cellcore Protocol.

Increasing Energy and Drainage all the way to Deep Immune Support.

We cannot heal in a toxic environment. If we are to overcome any symptoms for good and sustain long-term wellness, it’s essential we have key nutrients and supplements that will positively change their internal environment, or the “terrain” of the body. As we work through the customized CellCore Biosciences protocol, they will positively influence their terrain by supporting their drainage pathways and natural detoxification processes, improving the health of their gut microbiome, and supporting their body’s ability to repair cells and tissues.*


By promoting health to each of these crucial areas, you will experience sustainable, long-term wellness at the foundational level.*


To get started with your detox journey, we suggest scheduling an appointment with Dr. Jessica, either in person or virtually, to complete a Comprehensive Stressor Analysis (New Patient Appointment for New Patients or a 30 Minute Wellness or 30 Virtual Appointment for Returning Patients.)

Dr. Jessica, utilizing muscle testing, can determine which environmental, infectious (bacterial, viral, or parasitic), toxic, or other stressors are impacting your health in the greatest way. Then, she can give you specific recommendations as to which Cellcore products would facilitate your detox and drainage journey.


We highly suggest performing a Comprehensive Stressor Analysis with Dr. Jessica before purchasing specific Cellcore Products however

you are able to purchase individual kits and supplements by using




*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.